La Voix de Satan N°12 - FRENCH
After our first English-speaking issue 12, we're back with its French incarnation.
Issue 12 retraces a series of initiatory journeys from the Glastonbury Occult Conference, via the Satanic Flea Market in London and the Occulture conference in Berlin, back to France with the Satanas Ebrietas Conventus, La Jambe Crue and the Nuits Dark Ritual. We haven't forgotten the little articles that are essential to the magazine's richness. Iris Helinac gives us the formula for crafting her Satanic Oracle, Steff8 takes us into the metaphysical depths of ritual tattooing, Anne-Sophie Yacono contributes with L'Essence du Diable and Horde with Hymen. Leah Howler delivers magical nudity in Devil's Poetry and Johanna Cascales invokes the end of the world, an autumnal vision illustrated by Horde.
Hail Satan!
La Voix de Satan "ONE" - ENGLISH
Following issue n°12, published for the first time in English, this issue "ONE" is the first of a series of parallel off-series, a parallel universe where the magazine exists in English. Since translating all the issues requires a colossal amount of work and not all the articles make sense in this language, a selection of the most relevant content will be made.
La Voix de Satan N°12 - ENGLISH
After twelve issues in French, The Voice of Satan finally speaks English. This one is dedicated to our satanic brothers and sisters all over the world.
Join forces and rejoice, spread the Word and the Art of Satan. Together we are the Voice of the underground resistance.
A mystical Satanic research laboratory founded in 2018 and based in Marseille, the AMSG (Alliance Mystique de Satan Glorifié) publishes La Voix de Satan, a fanzine appearing at solstices and equinoxes. La Voix de Satan features music, film, history and literature, as well as interviews, comics and numerous original illustrations.
The common denominator of the contents is Satan, Satanism and Esotericism in the works of artists from different eras and fields. This is an important point, because our fanzine is aimed at both the curious and the initiated, mainly through popular culture.
Satan is used as a synonym for individual freedom, knowledge and rebellion against a dogmatic system. Satan is also an esoteric tool for personal development, and the AMSG welcomes the opportunity to join forces with any creative collective or individual seeking to push back the boundaries of conventional society.